The 30 Most Innovative Companies to Watch 2020

Cavisson Systems Inc Offers Software Solutions For Application Performance Engineering

Cavisson System Inc deals in software solutions for application performance engineering. Operating since 2011, Cavisson is a Silicon Valley-based software product company that develops and sells software solutions for application performance testing, monitoring, and diagnostics. Leading global brands use their technology to drive revenue and profitability by ensuring maximum quality performance and availability of their mission-critical applications. Cavisson is used across numerous industry verticals such as Financial Services, Healthcare, Government, Retail and eCommerce, Technology, Networking, Services, etc.

”Fanning The Fire” of The Business Idea

The founders of Cavisson have been in the performance domain since the beginning of their careers and have been exposed to numerous technologies and methodologies. They have worked closely with end-users and have been power users themselves. The lapses in technologies that they came across prompted them to create and develop solutions that would revolutionize the whole engineering space performance.

The idea was to focus on the user experience as a key derivative of performance and build a solution that will help improve the user’s experience and derive business value from thereby addressing the challenges across all software covering Online Customer Experience, Real User Monitoring, Synthetic Monitoring, Infrastructure, Network, Applications, Database, and Logs.

Catering to a wide range of clientele, they serve the leading brands across numerous industries, and all of their customers are leaders in their respective domains. The Wells Fargo Bank, Macy’s, Kohl’s, A-10 Networks, National Health Authority, Pathkind, ArchChat, and the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai are some of the elites to which Cavisson System Inc serves.

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How Immune is Your Application to Corona

Safeguard your Application

Presenting the latest trends and best practices when it comes to pre-planning for safeguarding your applications from Repercussions of Corona.

These are difficult times and there’s significant pressure on digital systems and applications to manage the unprecedented surge in volume of requests on the applications and business platforms. All look ahead to give the best user experience and retain their customers by all means possible, but we never know what disaster may cause under-performance and deteriorated user experience.

