Performance Intelligence Platform
Accelerate Go-to-market of mission critical applications
Cavisson performance testing suite ensures that your applications are certified to perform as expected in the production environment.
Stay alerted when performance impacts revenue or operating costs
Cavisson performance monitoring suite monitors customer experience, network and server level stats, analyzes up to code, method, or log level to provide actionable intelligence in order to provide exceptional buying behavior to your customers.
Key Technology Enablers
- Internet True – Advance cross-discipline simulations to create production-like scenarios and conduct meaningful tests. This allows engineering teams to not only generate virtual users but provide a real-world user behavior in those virtual users by attributing location, network speed, arrival model to have a complete production like scenario.
- Key Data – A powerful combination of Big Data and Machine Learning. Cavisson’s proprietary powerful yet highly compact Big Data engine allows complex computations to identify patterns within millions of metrics in real-time. This is extremely useful in complex enterprise scenarios. Our advance alerting techniques leverage machine learning to ensure reduction of false alarm yet allowing user to stay focused on things that matter the most.