Couchbase Monitoring


Couchbase Server is an open source, distributed, No SQL document-oriented database. It exposes a fast key-value store with managed cache for sub-millisecond data operations. Couchbase Server is specialized to provide low-latency data management for large-scale interactive web, mobile, and IoT applications.

Monitoring Capabilities

Couchbase Cluster Stats

Graph Graph Description
Couchbase RAM Total (GB) Total RAM available to cluster in Gigabytes.
Couchbase RAM Quota Total (GB) RAM quota total for the couch base servers in Gigabytes.
Couchbase RAM Quota Used (GB) RAM quota used by the couch base servers in Gigabytes.
Couchbase RAM Used (GB) RAM used across the cluster in Gigabytes.
Couchbase RAM Used By Data (GB) RAM used for the data in the cluster in Gigabytes.
Couchbase RAM Quota Used Per Node (GB) RAM quota used by the cluster per node in Gigabytes.
Couchbase RAM Quota Total Per Node (GB) RAM quota total for the cluster per node in Gigabytes.
Couchbase HDD Total (GB) Total harddrive space available to cluster in Gigabytes.
Couchbase HDD Quota Total (GB) Harddrive quota total for the couch base servers in Gigabytes.
Couchbase HDD Used (GB) Harddrive space used by the couch base servers in Gigabytes.
Couchbase HDD Used By Data (GB) Harddrive used for the data in the cluster in Gigabytes.
Couchbase HDD Free (GB) Free harddrive space in the cluster in Gigabytes.

Couchbase Node Stats

Graph Graph Description
Couchbase CPU Utilization (PCT) Percentage of CPU in use across all available cores on the server.
Couchbase Swap Total (MB) Total swap size allocated in Megabytes.
Couchbase Swap Used (MB) Amount of swap space used in Megabytes.
Couchbase Memory Total (MB) Total memory available to the node in Megabytes.
Couchbase Memory Free (MB) Amount of memory free for the node in Megabytes.
Couchbase Cmd Get/Sec Number of get commands per second.
Couchbase Docs Actual Disk Size (MB) Amount of disk space used by Couch docs in Megabytes.
Couchbase Docs Data Size (MB) Data size of couch documents associated with a node.
Couchbase Views Actual Disk Size (MB) Amount of disk space occupied by Couch views in Megabytes.
Couchbase Views Data Size (MB) Size of object data for Couch views in Megabytes.
Couchbase Current Items Number of current items associated with node.
Couchbase Current Items Total Total number of items associated with node.
Couchbase Ep Engine Background Fetched Number of disk fetches performed since server was started.
Couchbase Get Hits/Sec Number of get hits per second.
Couchbase Memory Used (MB) Memory used by the node in Megabytes.
Couchbase Operations/Sec Number of operations performed on Couchbase per second.
Couchbase Vb Replica Current Items Number of items/documents that are replicas.
Couchbase Uptime (Sec) Time during which the node was in operation in Seconds.
Couchbase Memcached Memory Reserved (MB) Amount of memcached memory reserved in Megabytes.
Couchbase Memcached Memory Allocated (MB) Amount of memcached memory allocated in Megabytes.

Couchbase Bucket Stats

Graph Graph Description
Couchbase Ram (MB) Amount of RAM used by the bucket in Megabytes.
Couchbase Raw RAM (MB) Amount of raw RAM used by the bucket in Megabytes.
Couchbase Quota Used (Pct) Percentage of RAM used (for active objects) against the configure bucket size.
Couchbase Operations/Sec Number of operations per second to bucket.
Couchbase Disk Fetches Number of disk fetches.
Couchbase Item Count Number of unique items associated with bucket.
Couchbase Disk Used (MB) Amount of disk used in Megabytes.
Couchbase Data Used (MB) Size of user data within buckets of the specified state that are resident in RAM in Megabytes.
Couchbase Memory Used (MB) Amount of memory used by the bucket in Megabytes.
Couchbase Total Disk Size (MB) Total size of disk of all data and view files for bucket in Megabytes.
Couchbase Docs Fragmentation (Pct) Docs fragmentation in percentage, it describes how much fragmented data there is to be compacted compared to real data for the data files in bucket.
Couchbase Views Fragmentation (Pct) Views fragmentation in percentage, it describes how much fragmented data there is to be compacted compared to real data for the view index files in bucket.
Couchbase Cache Miss Ratio (Pct) Percentage of reads per second to bucket from disk as opposed to RAM.
Couchbase Gets/Sec Number of reads (get operations) per second from bucket.
Couchbase Sets/Sec Number of write (set operations) per second to bucket.
Couchbase Deletes/Sec Number of delete operations per second for bucket.
Couchbase Compare And Swap (CAS) Operations/Sec Number of Operations with CAS id per second for bucket.
Couchbase Active Docs Resident (Pct) Percentage of active item cached in RAM for bucket.
Couchbase Temp Out Of Memory/Sec Number of back-offs sent per second to client SDKs due to out of memory situations from bucket.
Couchbase Low Water Mark (GB) Low water mark for auto-evictions in Gigabytes.
Couchbase High Water Mark (GB) High water mark fot auto-evictions in Gigabytes.
Couchbase Disk Creates/Sec Number of new items create on disk per second for bucket.
Couchbase Disk Updates/Sec Number of items updated on disk per second for bucket.
Couchbase Disk Reads/Sec Number of reads per second from disk for bucket.
Couchbase Disk Write Queue Size Number of items waiting to be written to disk in bucket.
Couchbase Docs Data Size (MB) Size of active data in bucket in Megabytes.
Couchbase Docs Total Disk Size (MB) Size of all data files for bucket, including the data itself, metadata and temporary files in Megabytes.
Couchbase Views Data Size (KB) Size of active data on for all the indexes in bucket in Kilobytes.
Couchbase Views Total Data Size (KB) Size of all active data in all the indexes for bucket on disk in Kilobytes.
Couchbase View Reads/Sec All the view reads per second for all design documents including scatter gather.
Couchbase Average Disk Update Time (ms) Average disk update time in Milliseconds.
Couchbase Average Disk Commit Time (Sec) Average disk commit time in seconds.
Couchbase Average Background Wait Time (ms) Average background fetch time in miliseconds.
Couchbase Incoming XDCR Operations/Sec Incoming XDCR operations per second for bucket.
Couchbase Intra-Replication Queue Number of items remaining to be sent to be consumer in bucket.