Docker-based Applications Monitoring
Monitoring Capabilities
Docker Info Stats
These are stats about the container – in various states – running, paused, stopped. This also provides insight into total number of containers. This stat is on Server level.
Graph Name | Description |
Total Containers | Total number of containers. |
Running Containers | Total number of running containers. |
Paused Containers | Total number of paused containers. |
Stopped Containers | Total number of stopped containers. |

Docker System Stats
This stat monitors the system stats of every container installed. These stats include CPU usage, System usage etc.

Graph Name | Description |
CPU Usage (Pct) | CPU usage in percentage. |
Memory Usage (GB) | Memory usage in GB. |
Memory Limit (GB) | Max memory available in GB. |
Memory Usage (Pct) | Memory usage in Percentage. |
Received Throughput (GB) | Received Network Throughput in GB. |
Transmitted Throughput (GB) | Transmitted Network Throughput in GB. |
Disk Read (GB) | Disks read in GB. |
Disk Write (GB) | Disks write in GB. |
Uptime (Days) | Total time the docker container has been running in days. |
Docker Network Stats
This monitors the network stats on each interface for every container.
Graph Name | Description |
Received Throughput (KBps) | Received throughput in KiloBytes per second. |
Received Pkts OK/Sec | Error Free Packets received per Sec. |
Received Pkts Error/Sec | Damaged Packets received per Sec. |
Received Pkts Dropped/Sec | Dropped Packets received per Sec. |
Received Pkts Fifo/Sec | fifo Packets received per Sec. |
Received Pkts Frame/Sec | Frame Packets received per Sec. |
Received Pkts Compressed/Sec | Compressed Packets received per Sec. |
Received Pkts Multicast/Sec | Multicast Packets received per Sec. |
Transmitted Throughput (KBps) | Transmitted throughput in KiloBytes per second. |
Transmitted Pkts OK/Sec | Transmitted Error Free Packets per Sec. |
Transmitted Pkts Errror/Sec | Transmitted Damaged Packets per Sec. |
Transmitted Pkts Dropped/Sec | Transmitted Dropped Packets per Sec. |
Transmitted Pkts Fifo/Sec | Transmitted fifo Packets per Sec. |
Transmitted Pkts Colls/Sec | Transmitted collision Packets per Sec. |
Transmitted Pkts Carrier/Sec | Transmitted carrier Packets per Sec. |
Transmitted Pkts Compressed/Sec | Transmitted compressed Packets per Sec. |

Docker IO Stats
It monitors the stats related to the input / output data.

Graph Name | Description |
Disk Read Size (MB/s) | Size of disk reads per second in MB by container. |
Disk Write Size (MB/s) | Size of disk writes per second in MB by container. |
Disk Reads/sec | Number of disk reads per second by container. |
Disk Writes/sec | Number of disk writes per second by container. |
Total Data Read from Disk (MB) | Total data read from disk in MB. |
Total Data Written to Disk (MB) | Total data written to disk in MB |
Docker CPU Stats
This stat monitors the CPU, for example: user CPU time, System CPU time etc.
Graph Name | Description |
Total User CPU Time(Sec) | Time spent (in seconds) by tasks of the container in user mode. |
Total System CPU Time(Sec) | Time spent (in seconds) by tasks of the container in kernel mode. |
Total Elapsed Enforcement Intervals | Number of enforcement intervals that have elapsed. |
Total Throttled Count | Number of times, task in this container has been throttled. |
Total Throttled Time (Sec) | Total time (in seconds) for which tasks in container have been throttled. |

Docker Memory Stats
This monitors stats related to memory, for example, cache memory size, write back size etc.

Graph Name | Description |
Cache Memory Size (MB) | Page cache memory. |
Resident Set Size (MB) | RSS(anonymous and swap cache memory) in MB. |
Mapped File Size (MB) | Mapped file (includes tmpfs/shmem) in MB. |
Writeback Size (MB) | Writebacks in MB. |
Total Page Ins | Total number of pages paged in. |
Total Page Outs | Total number of pages paged out. |
Total Page Faults | Total number of page faults |