Oracle DB Monitoring


The Oracle Database is an object-relational database management system. The Oracle Database monitor captures performance metrics from Oracle databases (version 10g or later).

It retrieves metrics from the data dictionary and groups them in four categories:
•Activity: It provide data of throughput of transactions, SQL executes, I/O reads and writes, average active sessions, etc.
•Resource Utilization: What database resources are currently in use (sessions, open cursors, shared pool, etc.).
•Efficiency: Ratios and response times as indicators of the instance’s efficiency.
•WaitClass Breakdown: Every wait event belongs to a class of wait event.

Oracle DB Metrics

Oracle DB Activity Stats

Graph Name Data Type Description
Oracle Current Active Sessions Rate Number of active sessions.
Oracle Average Active Sessions Rate Average number of active sessions.
Oracle Average Active Sessions/ logical CPU Rate This shows the average load the database imposes on each logical CPU (i.e. cores or hyperthreads).
Oracle Current OS Load Rate Host CPU load.
Oracle DB Block Changes/Sec Rate Database blocks changed in the buffer cache.
Oracle DB Block Changes/Txn Rate Database blocks changed in the buffer cache per SQL transaction.
Oracle DB Block Gets /Sec Rate Database blocks read from the buffer cache.
Oracle DB Block Gets/ Txn Rate Database blocks read from the buffer cache per SQL transaction.
Oracle Executions/Sec Rate SQL executions per second
Oracle Executions/Txn Rate SQL executions per SQL transaction.
Oracle I/O MB/Sec Rate I/O Megabytes per Second.
Oracle Logical Reads/Sec Rate Logical Reads Per Second
Oracle Physical Reads/Sec Rate Physical Reads Per Second
Oracle Physical Read Total Bytes/Sec Rate Physical read total bytes per second
Oracle Physical Write Total Bytes/Sec Rate Physical write total bytes per second
Oracle User Calls/Sec Rate User calls per second.
Oracle User Calls/Txn Rate User calls per transaction.
Oracle User Commits/Sec Rate User commits per Second.
Oracle User Rollbacks/Sec Rate User rollbacks per Second.
Oracle GC CR Block Received/Sec Rate GC CR block received per second.

Oracle DB Resource Utilization Stats

Graph Name Data Type Description
Oracle Open Sessions Sample Number of all database open sessions.
Oracle Open Sessions (Pct) Sample It shows open sessions vs. DB parameter sessions in percentage.
Oracle Open Cursors (Pct) Sample It shows open cursors in a session vs. DB parameter open_cursors in percentage.
Oracle Free Shared Pool (Pct) Sample Free Shared Pool in percentage
Oracle UsedTemp Space (MB) Sample Used temporary tablespace in Megabytes.
Oracle Total PGA Allocated (MB) Sample RAM used for sorts, hashes and other operation in Megabytes.
Oracle Network Traffic Volume/Sec Rate Network traffic volume per second.

Oracle DB Waitevents Stats

Graph Name Data Type Description
Oracle Administrative Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in Administrative wait class in last minute.
Oracle Application Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in Application wait class in last minute.
Oracle Commit Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in Commit wait class in last minute.
Oracle Concurrency Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in Concurrency wait class in last minute.
Oracle Configuration Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in Configuration wait class in last minute.
Oracle CPU Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in CPU wait class in last minute.
Oracle Network Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in Network wait class in last minute.
Oracle Scheduler Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in Scheduler wait class in last minute.
Oracle System I/O Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in System I/O wait class in last minute.
Oracle User I/O Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in User I/O wait class in last minute.
Oracle Cluster Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in Cluster wait class in last minute.
Oracle Other Wait Time (Sec) Rate Time waited in Other wait class in last minute.

Oracle DB Efficiency Stats

Graph Name Data Type Description
Oracle Database CPU Time Ratio Sample Percentage of CPU time against database time.
Oracle Database Wait Time Ratio Sample Complementary to “Database CPU Time Ratio” (% of non-CPU waits).
Oracle Memory Sorts Ratio Sample Percentage of sort operations that were done in RAM (as opposed to disk).
Oracle Execute Without Parse Ratio Sample Percentage of (soft and hard) parsed SQL against all executed SQL.
Oracle Soft Parse Ratio Sample Ratio of soft parses to hard parses.
Oracle Response Time /Txn (ms) Sample Response time per transaction in millisecond.
Oracle Service Response Time (ms) Sample SQL service response time (ms) in millisecond.
Oracle Full Index Scans/Sec Rate Full index scans per second.